
29/05/2016 11:53

Clinic Closed August 7-21, 2016

The clinic is closed during August 7-21, 2016. I apologize for any inconvenience. Phone calls and text messsages during that periods will not be returned. However, the online booking system will continue to be open. If you need to contact me during that period, please email me at...


04/12/2014 23:03

New Business Hours

Due to high demands for Monday appointments, Customcare Massage will alternate Mondays and Saturdays as of January 1, 2014 with open hours. The clinic will open Mondays and Saturdays on the dates ending with even numbers in hopes to benefit clients needs.     Click BUSINESS...


04/12/2014 22:17

New Massage Fee

Please note that there will be an increase in fee for massages as of January 1, 2015. Click 'Service & Price' for more details. 


04/12/2014 21:58

Clinic Closed December 8th-December 14th, 2014

Due to a personal schedule, the clinic will be closed from December 8th - December 14th, 2014 Any phone calls during that period will be returned after December 15th, but you will still be able to book your future appointments through online booking. Thank you. 


03/09/2013 22:31


The clinic is now closed on Mondays instead of Thursdays. Please check the business hour on the menu for the details. Thank you. 
